Tag: John Jamieson Willis

St. Stephen’s Cathedral, Kisumu, Kenya

He was probably one of the most mercurial and charismatic religious leaders in independent Kenya. He was brave and fearless. He was described in nearly every notable Kenyan newspapers as a fiery and vocal cleric who fearlessly, relentlessly, and courageously criticized the government of President Daniel arap Moi for its human rights abuses against Kenyans.... Read more »

Chief Ogola Ayieke of Kisumu

Leadership by Africans in the African continent can be traced through the role of elders and kings in pre-colonial times, colonial administrators during colonial periods, and presidents and prime ministers today. No matter the time or era, one constant theme remains for sure, and that is there is always a need for leadership. In pre-colonial... Read more »

The Anglican Church in Maseno

The Anglican Church of Kenya in Maseno is a distinct and vibrant local expression of faith that seeks to ensure the salvation of the body, soul, and spirit of man through expressions of Christian practice and African piety. The Anglican Church of Kenya (ACK) in Maseno combines the goals of Anglican spiritual evangelism with a... Read more »

Maseno Town

Located 25 kilometers from Kisumu town along Kisumu-Busia highway, Maseno town is named for a type of a tree common in the area known by the Luo as “Oseno” and the Abaluhya as “Oluseno”. The growth of Maseno town is often attributed to the coming of missionaries in Kenya, and the contributions of the African... Read more »